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We offer courses in separation techniques (chromatography, electrophoresis) and mass spectrometry. The courses are devided into lectures (Prof. Oliver J. Schmitz), tutorials (Dr. Sven Meckelmann) and high-quality practical courses (Dr. Florian Uteschil and other members of the Applied Analytical Chemistry). For more information on the devices provided for the practical courses, please click on the corresponding image.

The practical courses are carried out on state-of-the-art analytical systems from Agilent Technologies. The following devices are available for this purpose:

  • 1260 Infinity II Prime LC with fluorescence detector

  • 1260 Infinity II SFC with ELSD

  • 1290 Infinity II LC with HDR DAD

  • 1290 Infinity II 2D LC with DAD

  • Ultivo LC/QQQ-MS with online SPE 1260 Infinity II LC

  • 6545 QTOF-MS with 1260 Infinity II Prime-LC

  • 9000 Intuvo FID

  • 7250 GC/QTOF-MS

  • 7000 GC/QQQ-MS with Intuvo

  • 7900 ICP-MS

  • 5110 ICP OES

The courses are suitable for employees from industry (laboratory technicians, technicians, laboratory managers, etc.) and employees from the university environment (students, post-docs, etc.). Course participants will receive a certificate of attendance on the last day.

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